Latest Updates of Corona Virus in India

Latest Updates of Corona Virus in India In Wuhan city of China, in the first week of December 2019, some people who lived in the seafood market area suddenly suffers from cough and fever. When their samples got tested in the Institute of Virology National Biosafety Lab they come to know about this dangerous virus. Doctor lee was the first who warn the world from this coronavirus . It was suspected that the coronavirus comes from the bat because bats were outnumbered many people use to eat them in that area. Dr. Lee himself died because of coronavirus Symptoms of Coronavirus Cough Running Nose Fever Muscles Pain Headache Sore Throat Sneezing Prevention from coronavirus Avoid seafood Avoid meat market avoid social contact from infected people wear a mask while outing regularly wash hand with sanitizers cover your face while coughing sneezing ALSO READ: CHILD LABOR a stigma to our country Coronavirus dies from the heat? Many people believe that co...



Facial reduce the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, elevate and support facial tissues.
Facial even out the skin tone and brighten the skin. In homemade facial, all the ingredients used are free from chemicals and do not harm our skin. Facial massage also reduces stress. It removes the dead skin cells and brings new skin cells out.


  1. Gram flour
  2. Tomato Juice
  3. Rice Flour
  4. Raw Milk
  5. Lemon Juice
  6. Potato Juice
  7. Wheat flour
  8. Curd


Gram flour has zinc which fights the infection that causes your face to erupt with acne.
Tomato juice removes dead skin cells and may help in protecting against skin cancer.
Rice flour soaks up excess oil and freshens up the skin.
Raw milk is a natural cleanser and also soothes sunburnt skin and adds radiants in the skin.
Lemons contain antibacterial properties that fight against bacteria and remove dead skin cells.
Potato juice treats skin issues like skin darkening, scars, spots, blemishes, and hard skin.
Wheat flour promotes skin elasticity and beautiful skin and also fights acne.
Curd is full of protein, calcium, and vitamin D. curd improves skin complexion. The antioxidants present in curd heals dry skin.



  1. Wash face with plain water
  2. Apply rose water for damping the skin.
  3. In a bowl mix the gram flour and tomato juice and make a thick paste.
  4. scrub your face with the cleanser or the paste made above.
  5. Wash face with plain water.


Take steam with any steamer for 10-15 seconds.


  1. In a bowl take 1.5 tbsp rice flour.
  2. 2 tbsp raw milk.
  3. squeeze lemon juice.
  4. Make a paste and scrub gently all over face and neck.

Face pack

  1. Peel a potato and extract the potato juice.
  2. Add tomato juice in it.
  3. Add wheat flour.
  4. Add 1 tbsp curd.
  5. Mix all the ingredients and massage on your face in a circular motion.
  6. Wash your face and apply moisturizer.

